three medical professionals watching a pc monitor

Instruction for Use Finder

Instructions for Use (IFU)

3M strives to make your job easier with reliable, quality products supported by comprehensive training, documentation and clinical, technical and customer support.

Our regulatory portal allows you* to easily find Instructions for Use (IFU) for 3M Health Care products.

Additional information like declaration of conformity (DoC) and certificates are also available for selected products.

  • A laptop on a white background showing the 3M ifu finder homepage and a Littmann stethoscope beside it.

    To access 3M IFU documents please click the button below. Our regulatory portal will open in a new browser window.

    You will be able to search for your specific product IFU's by using a free text search or by browsing through different categories.

    IFU's and additional content, like DoC and certificates, can be viewed directly or downloaded for later use.


Looking for IFU's for KCI products?

Instructions for use for KCI products are currently only available on the KCI website.

Need further assistance?

We're here to help! Please get in touch with our customer support team for further support.

  • *The information on the IFU Finder website is intended for healthcare professionals. Patients should consult with their healthcare professional providers regarding their specific medical conditions and treatments as well as the information provided on the site, including the risks and benefits of certain products and services that may be discussed on this site. The documents may be revised, so please refer to the IFU Finder web page for the most current version at the time of the use. Please note that a product number search does not necessarily yield the correct version of the IFU for your specific product. IFUs found using this approach should be used for informational purposes only, and must not be used as a substitute for actual product labeling.