Re-using precious materials without sacrificing the capability characteristics was an illusion... This year, effective Up-Cycling of valuable perfluorinated material has become a reality.
Up-Cycling is the answer to anybody concerned with the environment and the use of exhaustible raw materials such as fluorspar. Close the loop and make a true sustainability effort with the world´s first innovative Up-Cyling method. An innovative and ground breaking process of depolymerising fluoropolymers has been developed by us, Dyneon GmbH, a 3M Company subsidiary, in co-operation with technology institute InVerTec and the University of Bayreuth. We have successfully started up the pilot Up-Cycling plant in Burgkirchen, Germany. The construction was subsidised with nearly 1 million Euro by the Federal Environment Ministry of Germany.
Watch how Up-Cycling works - in the animation below:
Resources are finite, so sustainability and responsible raw material handling are key to the future. Protecting the environment is more than just goodwill – but a regulatory requirement with increasing importance. Landfill is not just costly, it also includes logistic efforts and people-intensive processes. So what is an alternative to deposition and incineration: Up-Cycling the fully fluorinated polymers! Closing the loop when perfluorinated polymers reach their end of life and not just Re-Cycle and downgrade it. But Up-Cycle the material back into its pure starting materials – ready to be polymerized and manufactured into the next generation of material with 100 % perfect features and unlimited performance.
To explain the process, our capabilities and progress further, we have created a brochure explaining Up-Cycling of fully fluorinated polymers in more detail.
Get your copy today. Download your preferred language below.
Up-Cycling | Closing the loop (EN version)