Prefiltration/Clarification for Breweries

Prefiltration and clarification for breweries

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Prefiltration and clarification for beer applications

  • Beer naturally develops a haze from the fermentation process due to yeast and other fines, making particle retention and clarification at the prefiltration stage crucial. 3M filtration products can help eliminate undesirable contaminants as well as provide haze removal, without compromising on taste, leaving a clean and clear beer. The prefiltration stage can also protect your final filters for a longer service life.

3M prefiltration / clarification products for bright beer production Zone Heading Level

  • To significantly reduce filter changeout downtime and to remove what mechanical straining cannot, trust your beer to Zeta Plus HT series filters. These cartridges offer a zero leakage and zero oxygen pick up alternative to a traditional filter press. They rely on a superior advanced filter media to help efficiently reduce particles during high-temperature operation or repeated hot water sanitation cycles.

  • Zeta Plus™ MHT series dual-zone depth filters hold contaminants and reduce plugging for optimal clarification and pre-filtration. These cartridges take advantage of all the advanced features of the HT, but the secret to its design is employing two distinct filter media layer "zones" to trap large and small contaminants, perfect for those difficult to filter beers.

Ask a 3M Expert

Contact us if you need product, technical or application advice about how our products can help you create a clean and haze free beer. 3M has a global support network of market focused scientists and engineers that excel in assisting collaborative efforts between our customers and 3M.

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