Rough, polishing and ultrafine clarification steps remove any carry over of dead yeast cells from the fining stage along with any un-desirable tannins and proteins. The clarification process helps create a clear, haze free wine before being tanker loaded, off-loaded or stored.
Go the extra mile to protect your wine from stray particulate and hazes during tanker loading or off-loading. 3M™ High Flow filter cartridges combine high solid loading and absolute particle retention with flow rates of up to 113m³/hr.
High Flow filter cartridges also offer an ideal pre-filtration solution to 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Filter Cartridges.
Filter your wine with Zeta Plus™ HT Series Filter Cartridges to efficiently remove particles while limiting wine loss and oxygen pick-up. Our charged-modified filter media catches contaminants too small for mechanical straining alone.
Protect your wine with Zeta Plus™ MHT Series dual-zone depth filters. Our dual-zone filter design reduces large and small contaminants with reduced cartridge filtered changes.
Contact us if you need product, technical or application advice about how our products can help you create a clear and haze fee wine by removing undesireable contaminants. 3M has a global support network of market focused scientists and engineers that excel in assisting collaborative efforts between our customers and 3M.