3M Transportation


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    Lighting up lorries at night

    April 28, 2016
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    Lighting up lorries at night

    Making larger vehicles more clearly visible at night, whatever the weather conditions, can help save lives.

    Lighting up lorries at night

    Making larger vehicles more clearly visible at night, whatever the weather conditions, can help save lives.

    Lighting up lorries at night

    Making larger vehicles more clearly visible at night, whatever the weather conditions, can help save lives.

    • Lighting up lorries

      Poor visibility of vehicles is a contributing factor to casualties on the road, so retro-reflective conspicuity tape has become a vital tool to keep them illuminated at night.

      Studies carried out in Germany over a 10 year period show that well marked vehicles are 30 times less likely to be involved in road traffic accidents and European governments have now introduced the mandatory ECE104 regulation requiring heavy goods vehicles to have contour markings.

      3M™ Diamond Grade™ Vehicle Marking Tapes meet the guidelines and can help vehicles be seen up to nine seconds earlier than those that are unmarked, allowing for considerably longer reaction times, even in poor street lighting conditions.

      The highly durable tapes are designed to clearly outline the rear, sides and front of large vehicles, are approved to ECE104 standards and are easy to apply.

      Find out more about 3M Diamond Grade Vehicle Marking Tapes