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    Learning a new language in a flash

    May 03, 2016
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    Learning a new language in a flash

    FlashSticks are a fun way to learn a new language using custom-printed Post-it® Notes from 3M and an interactive mobile phone app.

    Learning a new language in a flash

    FlashSticks are a fun way to learn a new language using custom-printed Post-it® Notes from 3M and an interactive mobile phone app.

    Learning a new language in a flash

    FlashSticks are a fun way to learn a new language using custom-printed Post-it® Notes from 3M and an interactive mobile phone app.

    • FlashSticks

      When Richard Allen needed to learn Spanish quickly, he scribbled translations on sticky notes for easy reference and this led to the creation of an innovative learning tool.

      Richard went on to co-found FlashSticks, a small Birmingham-based company that produces custom-printed Post-it® Notes from 3M in eight languages, including British Sign Language.

      The notes – which are colour coded by gender and word type - are a creative way to learn a new language and can be stuck up around the house or office to act as a visual aide-memoire.

      There is also a free mobile phone app incorporating a language tutor that teaches you how to pronounce the words and a new feature launched in 2015 that scans an object, identifies it and provides an instant translation.

      A trained languages team from FlashSticks is working with schools across the UK to show primary and secondary pupils how to use the physical and digital aids as a fun way to learn a foreign language.

      Chief executive officer for Flashsticks, Veejay Lingiah, said: “FlashSticks are a bridge between something physical that people can engage with, to the app for a more digital experience. They are little portable windows into deeper learning.”

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