Hearing protection and PELTOR™ Communication Solutions

There are many different sounds we love to hear, but all of us have just one sense of hearing. Repeated exposure to loud sounds, greater than 85 dB(A), can cause permanent hearing loss and tinnitus. That's why we need to protect it. 3M can provide hearing protection solutions for different individuals and applications, with a variety of earmuffs, earplugs, but also a wide range of 3M™ PELTOR communication solutions to enable effective communication and enhance productivity.

Workers on a windmill wearing hearing protection earmuffs and other PPE.
Only one sense of hearing. Protect it.

We are here to help. Let's make you hearing conservation program a success.

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Worker on windmill wearing 3M hearing protection and other PPE

What kind of hearing protection do you need?

Find your hearing solution

What to consider when selecting hearing protection solutions

  • Every environment is different. Every workplace is different. Every person is different. That's why implementing a hearing conservation program can be challenging. Whether you are setting up a hearing conservation program for the first time or looking to improve an existing program, 3M can help.

    Let us help you with your hearing conversation goals.

  • Do you know what level of protection your employees are receiving from their hearing protectors? Hearing protection is a Category 3 piece of PPE, like respiratory protection. If you fit test your respiratory protection, it would be good practice to fit test your hearing protection as well.

    Learn more about how we can help to fit test your hearing protection

  • worker with hard hat and ear muffs looking away
    Situational Awareness

    Identifying the hazards is your first step in selecting the right hearing protection. But have you also thought about the possible need to hear e.g. alarms, vehicles whilst being protected from loud noise? 3M offers hearing protection with level-dependent technology to block out potentially harmful noise when needed and still listen normally when not.

    Featured products:

    3M™ PELTOR™ ProTac™ III Headsets

    3M™ PELTOR™ EEP-100 Earplug

  • worker on wind tower wearing active hearing protection and safety helmet
    Productivity and Communication at Distance

    Another factor to consider is if you need to be able to communicate at distance in loud noise. If so, it might be interesting to read this case study about how 3M™ PELTOR™ LiteCom headsets improved productivity by 380 minutes per week – an increase in productivity from 71% to over 86%. *

    Learn more about workers productivity when wearing hearing protection (PDF, 2.92 MB)

    * Victoria Joäng, Albin Sadiković, 2014, Radiokommunikationens inverkan på produktiviteten inom anläggningsprojekt, Tryck av Media-Tryck, Lund

    Request Demonstration Samples

Do you know the difference between passive and electronic hearing protectors?

Passive hearing protectors help reduce the noise by mechanically blocking the sound waves and are ideal for situations with continuous noise levels. Electronic hearing protectors use smart technology to help workers hear their environment and/or communicate with others in noise.

  • Earplugs provide a great combination of comfort and hearing protection for users. They come in a variety of types and styles: disposable foam, push-to-fit, reusable, banded and electronic earplugs.

  • Available in headband, neckband, and hard hat attached, earmuffs are available in a variety of styles and attenuation levels.

  • These electronic hearing protectors enable you to clearly communicate in noise, promoting increased productivity, reduced mistakes and improved coordination.

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Need help? Get in touch with our team

Our hearing protection team has years of experience and is here to help you.

yellow mesh with ear plug cad drawing
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