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When it’s time to create or update a vehicle design, you have decisions to make. Every design requires a choice from a menu of attachment methods, and 3M can help you determine when acrylic foam tapes make sense for your exterior trim needs. We’ll partner with you from initial design to production line consultation, including rigorous testing and validation, to resolve your attachment challenges. Find out where tapes can support your design.
As materials and paint chemistries change, the ability to bond becomes even more critical to enable design flexibility. Behind our long-trusted 3M™ Acrylic Foam Tapes, 3M is the supplier you can count on when bonding really counts.
1. Roof Ditch Molding
4. Windscreen Framing
7. Cladding
2. Antenna Attachment
5. Chrome Trim
8. Rocker Panel
3. Pillar Trim
6. Wheel Arch Trim
9. Sensors Attachment
Find out more about specific 3M attachment tape solutions.
3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for Exterior Trim Attachment (PDF, 1,968 KB)
In a smarter, simpler world where assembly must be faster and volatile organic compound (VOC) usage is increasingly regulated, 3M primerless bonding tapes can be applied quickly without the use of primers or adhesion promoters.
1. Chrome Trim
4. Sensor Attachment
7. Wheel Arch Trim
2. Name Plate Attachment
5. Body Side Molding
3. Pillar Appliques
6. Cladding
Find out more about specific 3M attachment tape solutions.
3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for Exterior Trim Attachment (PDF, 1,968 KB)
Mechanical fasteners usually involve drilling holes that can cause corrosion. They can also loosen over time, causing vibration and BSR. When your seals need to be more sensible, 3M comes through with a range of attachment tapes formulated for bonding to EPDM/TPE, neoprene and PVC.
1. Rear Light Sealing
4. Sun Roof Sealing
7. Door Sealing
2. Headlamp Sealing
5. Hood Sealing
3. Lift Gate Sealing
6. Body Sealing
Find out more about specific 3M attachment tape solutions.
3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for Weatherstrip and Sealing Applications (PDF, 1,552 KB)
3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for Weatherstrip and Sealing Attachment FAQs (PDF, 209 KB)
Discover the power of our highly-conformable, low-profile tapes for permanent attachment of emblems and nameplates. Die-cuttable for precise sizing and linered for peel-and-stick application to a wide range of surfaces, these solutions deliver excellent bondline aesthetics without punching holes.
1. Name Plate Attachment
2. Single Character Attachment
3. Badge Attachment
Find out more about specific 3M attachment tape solutions.
3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for Exterior Trim Attachment (PDF, 1,968 KB)
Our 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners, together with our 3M™ Wire Harness Tapes, are great for headliners, sunroofs and much more. In fact, our fastening solutions address bonding and NVH challenges in many areas inside the vehicle.
1. Headliner Attachment
4. Console
7. Wire Harness
2. Floor Panel
5. EV Battery Cover
3. Sunroof Ring
6. Locator Pins
Vehicle designs are evolving, and so are attachment methods. 3M™ Acrylic Foam Tapes for automotive attachment can give you the confidence to let your design soar. You can get tight, durable bonds in small spaces; on challenging curvatures; and on low-surface-energy substrates without disrupting aesthetics. Our tapes are a proven alternative to clips or ultrasonic welding that empowers you to design more freely. Learn how 3M Acrylic Foam Tapes can help you design with confidence.
(soft, bright music plays) 3M logo. Science. Applied to Life.™ Text on screen: Enabling new levels of design with tapes. An aerial view of a bridge spanning a countryside landscape. VO: Cars are undergoing a fairly dramatic change. We're transitioning from a hundred years of internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. Several cars drive on the bridge. The sun shines on an electric vehicle with a charger cable plugged into the charging port. Text: Joel Sabean, 3M Global R&D Lab Leader. Joel Sabean sits in a lab room and addresses the camera. VO: My name's Joel Sabean, I'm an R&D director for the Automotive and Aerospace division. I have been with 3M for going on 34 years. 3M's a fantastic place to work for anyone that is curious. Two rolls of red 3M robust sealing tape of different widths on a table. The center band of a roll of tape reads: 3M Acrylic Foam Tape. VO: 3M has been a part of adhesives development in automotive since the 1970s. We started out with specialized products that have grown over time. A close-up of the spoiler of a red car. VO: Now we have hundreds of variants of adhesives that enable attachment of many different types of parts to cars. A roll of 3M robust sealing tape and an object with tape adhered to its sides. VO: In the past, they were all mechanically attached, and we continue to grow that portfolio. A man walks down a hallway guiding a white car door on a utility cart. The man turns at the end of the hallway. VO: Adhesives can be applied to the entire perimeter or surface of a part and that enables the parts to experience stress over a wide area and enables a clean aesthetic that consumers like to see and OEM designers like to deliver. We consider adhesives as an enabler for clean design. A curved metal car part spins to show all sides. Joel addresses the camera. VO: A fundamental advantage of adhesives is to allow the attachment to exist in a curved area, in tight spaces where attaching the part mechanically may make it very difficult to install. So this is part of offering design freedom to our OEM customers. Metal car frames move along a conveyor belt. Yellow robotic arms weld small sections of the car creating blue sparks. Joel addresses the camera. A length of rubber padding with 3M robust sealing tape along its side. VO: OEMs, many times, will develop a foundational vehicle that they would like to modify for different markets or, over time, change the appearance of to keep its look fresh. Because we're attaching the part adhesively, a new part can go in the same place as an existing part and the appearance can be updated. A time lapse of traffic on several highways. VO: One of the challenges, as the industry has increased the use of adhesives, is the lack of understanding when you've successfully applied the part. A man wearing protective glasses observes a machine pulling two objects apart. An adhesive between the objects stretches and breaks. VO: Attaching an adhesively-backed part is as simple as a mechanically-attached. It comes down to two simple things: a clean surface and consistent pressure. The man presses a button on a screen. Joel holds the objects in his hands. The man addresses Joel and smiles. Joel nods at the man. VO: 3M supplied materials and tools to make those two processes clean and simple and over time that has proven to be effective and reliable. Features include toughened liners, process liners, that allow the application of our adhesives to be automated. Joel addresses the camera. Video footage of a red car driving through a city and tunnels at night. VO: With the experience of 50 years in attaching automotive parts to vehicles, 3M has developed laboratory tests to quantify the strengths of our tape and correlate them to the mechanical actions that parts experience on vehicles. An external view of the driver's side of a red car. The man guides the white car door into a room with a blue light and a vapor mist. The door closes behind him. VO: This allows us to quantify the strength of our existing products and provide confidence to our OEMs that a new product enables them to consider attaching something that maybe in the past they could not. A close-up of weights hanging by hooks on a machine. Two rolls of the 3M robust sealing tape and a 3M box on a table. Joel and the man wearing protective glasses walk together in a hallway. VO: It enables them to open their eyes to various ways to design a car, to assemble a car, change the look. We consider ourselves a partner with them and our adhesive continually evolves and improves their ability to change and improve how those vehicles are assembled. Text: Learn more about driving innovative design with tape. Go to 3M logo. Science. Applied to Life.™ © 3M 2022. All rights reserved. 3M is a trademark of 3M.
��3 M . S c i e n c e . A p p l i e d t o L i f e . "! A r e d c a r s p e e d s t h r o u g h a t u n n e l a n d o n c i t y s t r e e t s L i g h t s r e f l e c t i n i t s g l a s s . ( m e l l o w m u s i c ) R e t h i n k a u t o m o t i v e a t t a c h m e n t s . R e t h i n k a u t o m o t i v e a t t a c h m e n t s . N e x t - l e v e l d e s i g n a n d p e r f o r m a n c e w i t h 3 M s c i e n c e . I m a g i n e n e x t - l e v e l d e s i g n a n d p e r f o r m a n c e w i t h n e w 3 M t a p e s f o r a u t o m o t i v e t r i m a n d s e a l a t t a c h m e n t . T a p e s c a n r e p l a c e m e c h a n i c a l f a s t e n e r s t o s o l v e d e s i g n c h a l l e n g e s w h e n a n d w h e r e c l i p s w o n ' t w o r k . T a p e s v s . C l i p s T h e r e d c a r s p i n s a s c l o s e - u p s h o t s s h o w t h e c a r ' s v a r i o u s t r i m s a n d a t t a c h m e n t s . A s c r o l l i n g l i s t a p p e a r s o n s c r e e n a n d a c h e c k m a r k a p p e a r s n e x t t o T a p e s e a c h t i m e t h e o p t i o n o f T a p e s v e r s u s C l i p s c o m e s u p o n t h e l i s t . O f f e r d e s i g n f l e x i b i l i t y T a p e s C l i p s C o n t i n u o u s l y a t t a c h l a r g e p a r t s T a p e s C l i p s 3 M ' s n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f a u t o m o t i v e t a p e s w i t h b r e a k - r e s i s t a n t l i n e r s p r o v i d e b o n d c o n f i d e n c e a n d l o n g - t e r m p e r f o r m a n c e . E n a b l e a u t o m a t i o n T a p e s C l i p s W o r k o n c h a l l e n g i n g s u r f a c e s T a p e s C l i p s A d h e r e t o c o o l s u r f a c e s T a p e s C l i p s A t 3 M , w e u s e d e c a d e s o f a u t o m o t i v e a p p l i c a t i o n k n o w h o w t o h e l p o u r c u s t o m e r s s o l v e c h a l l e n g e s a n d d r i v e e f f i c i e n c y . C r e a t e q u i e t e r i n t e r i o r s T a p e s C l i p s K e e p o u t w a t e r a n d d u s t T a p e s C l i p s S k i p t h e c l i p a n d a c h i e v e g a m e - c h a n g i n g b o n d s w i t h 3 M t a p e s . R e t h i n k a u t o m o t i v e a t t a c h m e n t s A b l a c k b a c k g r o u n d w i t h b l u e l i n e s c r i s s c r o s s i n g o v e r i t . L e a r n m o r e a t 3 M . c o m / r e t h i n k a t t a c h m e n t 3 M . S c i e n c e . A p p l i e d t o L i f e . "! � 3 M 2 0 2 1 . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 3 M i s a t r a d e m a r k o f 3 M . U s e d u n d e r l i c e n s e i n C a n a d a .
(Upbeat Music) Flex your design creativity with 3M Acrylic Foam Tapes. Badges Attach badges and insignia seamlessly. No pins or bolts distupting aesthetics. Proven products. Sleek lines. Strong support. DESIGN FREEDOM. Learn how tapes can support your design.
(Upbeat Music) Flex Your Design Muscle with 3M Acrylic Foam Tapes. Trim Differentiate trim levels more easily. No body or process changes - just tape the new piece on. Proven products. Clean aesthetics. Strong support. DESIGN FREEDOM. Leran how tapes can support your design
(Upbeat Music) Flex your design options with 3M Acrylic Foam Tapes. Sensors Attach thin sensor frames with confidence. No risk of read-through like ultrasonic welding can cause. Proven products. Material compatablitity. Strong support. DESIGN FREEDOM. Learn how tapes can support your design.
In a rapidly changing automotive landscape, tape attachment methods can offer increased design flexibility. For new vehicle designs and materials that pose unique challenges, 3M offers a proven alternative to clips and ultrasonic welding. We continually innovate our portfolio tapes for exterior trim attachments to meet the evolving needs of cutting-edge OEMs. From rigorous testing to production line design consultation, we’ll help you specify and implement 3M products that help you create lighter, stronger vehicles. Experience true design freedom when you rethink automotive attachments. Read more about ways to rethink automotive attachments.
In vehicle production, no one attachment method fits all needs. Find out how tapes can help you overcome challenges and increase your design freedom.
The automotive industry is changing faster than ever before. Learn how tapes provide design freedom, now and into the future.
With the rapid rise of electric vehicles, everything about car design is being reconsidered — including attachment methods.
Thinking about switching from clips to tapes? 3M can partner with you at every stage from selection to production.
On one side, a durable, heat-activated adhesive is specifically formulated for bonding to EPDM/TPE, TPV and Santoprene® materials. On the other is a choice of adhesives for bonding to a variety of substrates. At the heart of our 3M™ Acrylic Foam Tapes and 3M™ Acrylic Plus Tapes is our viscoelastic acrylic technology for maximum stress handling and sealing.
3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners feature interlocking mushroom-shaped heads in a wide range of stem densities for strong, reliable closure that can be detached if needed. They install without special tools, great for replaceable parts, headliners, trunk liners, fuse panels and sun roof rings. Dual Lock is available in rolls, piece parts or die cuts. Different stem densities can be mated for customised engagement forces.
These tabbing and splicing tapes can really cut down on the time and effort in tape application. Use them to smoothly remove single liners and to splice or join multiple pieces together. Materials are either heat activated or pressure sensitive, and designed for use with 3M™ Acrylic Foam Tapes and 3M™ Acrylic Plus Tapes.
These tapes are excellent for rough, irregular surfaces. They incorporate viscoelastic acrylic foam core technology similar to that used in our 3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Attachment Tape. These tapes are formulated for very high initial adhesion even to challenging surfaces. It’s a combination of reliability and conformability for wire harness attachment and much more.
The equipment you use to apply attachment tapes can really improve your process efficiency. Specialised manual and automated 3M application equipment solutions may include rollers with tunable clutches for consistent wet out and our 3M™ Flange Unwind Assembly which makes for smooth, even unwinding and liner removal on single or multiple tape rolls.
When bonding to challenging surfaces such as PVC compounds, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polyolefin-based substrates, our liquid adhesion promoters enhance tape performance. These promoters are applied using a variety of applicators, wipes, rollers and spray bottles. They are developed specifically for use with 3M™ Acrylic Foam Tapes and 3M™ Acrylic Plus Tapes.
3M is constantly working to meet the evolving challenges of automotive OEM and Tier suppliers worldwide. If you need help finding an existing solution or would like to talk about specific ideas you’re working on, get in touch with us.